Modal Verbs

Today we are going to learn some modal verbs. how and when use them.

There are some Modal verbs:
  • Must
  • Might
  • May
  • Will
  • Would
  • Can
  • Could
  • Shall
  • Should

Modal verbs follow some strict rules or there are some rules.

  • Infinitives come after modal verbs but without "to".
      I might eat pizza.
      I can play football.

  • Modal verbs take no 's' the 3rd person singular.
      She must leave.
      It might happen.

  • We use Modal verbs in negative sentences like we do other auxiliary verbs.(without the word 'do') 
        You must not eat my food.
         I can not speak French. 

  • With Interrogative phrases, modal verbs are used like other auxiliary verb.
      can you help me?
      will you let him ?

How and when we can use modal verbs?

  • Might: might use to show possibility
Example: 1) They must be eating lunch.
2) she might give us a discount.

  • May: It also use to show possibility 
Example: The teacher may be late today.

       May also use to ask for permission

Example: May i leave now?(Use may to permission can be seen as quite formal)

  • Must : Must can be used to show probability/ logical assumption
Example:  She must be stuck in traffic.

    Must also use to show necessity.

Example:  I must go home right now.

    Must also use to show prohibition

Example:  You must not smoke here.

  • Will: will can be used to indicate future time.
Example: I will leave at 7'o clock.

    Will also use for promise/willingness 

Example:  I will give money to charity this Christmas.
    Will  also use for asking a polite questions.

Example:  Will you help me with this.

  • Would: For polite questions
Example:  would you help me with this.

    Would also used for invitations or preference or desires.

Example: 1)  I would like a cup of tea.
2) Would you prefer apples or oranges?

  • Can : use to show ability
Example:  I can speak English.

    Can also use for suggestion or option.

Example:  You can call him tomorrow.

    Can also use for request.

Example:  Can you help me?

  • Could: Could use for past ability.
Example:  I could do trigonometry 5 years ago.

    could also use for asking polite questions.

Example:  could i call you?

    Could also use for possibility or impossibility.

Example:  1) She could be here.
2) She couldn't here.

  • Should : Recommend
Example:  You should try this new bar.

    should also use for uncertain prediction 

Example:  He should be home soon, But i'm not sure.

  • Shall : shall can be used to make an offer.
Example:  Shall i help you with that?

    Should also use for confirmation

Example:  I shall meet you there at mid night.

 Modal verbs helps to speak like native speakers. 
