Phrases for advanced English conversations

Today we are going to talk about some phrases for advanced English conversations.Phrases helps you to maintain your conversation longer.

  • What to say when ....asking for other people's opinion.
      • do you agree?
      • What do you think?
      • What's your opinion?
      • How do you feel?
    • if you wanna make little more polite you can say:
      • I'd like to hear your thought on.....
      • I'm interested to hear your opinion about......
      • Would you like to add anything......

  • What to say when you want to interrupt
      • Sorry
      • Excuse me
      • Do you mind if i add to that?
      • Can i jump in here?(means can i jump in conversation right now)
      • Sorry to interrupt bu......
      • Sorry for interrupting you...
      • Sorry, may i interrupt you for just a moment?
      • If I may interrupt for a minute?

  • What to say when you think you understood but you need to double check.
      • So what you're saying/asking is.....(repeat back what you heard)
    • example: So what you're asking is computer electronic machine?
      • So, So, what you want to know is....(repeat)
      • What you're saying.....
    • More formal
      • I would like to confirm what you said....
      • Excuse me, can i just confirm that....

  • What to say to agree
      • Yes! absolutely.
      • I completely agree with you.

  • What to say to somewhat disagree
      • I see what you mean, but....(express a different opinion)
      • I understand you're point of view but......
      • I see where you are coming from, but......
      • I agree with you up to point, however, i have got different opinion.

  • What to say to disagree
      • I don't feel the same way
      • Actually, i don't quite agree
      • I'm afraid, i don't agree with you on that.
    • More formal
      • Respectfully, I have to disagree.

  • What to say to change the topic
      • That reminds me....
      • Oh, by the way.....
      • Oh, while i remember....
      • Before i forget.....
      • I know this is changing the topic, but.....

  • What to say when you're talking about a controversial topic
      • I know not everyone agree with me, but......
      • I know this is a contentious the issue...
      • It might be an unpopular opinion, but i strongly believe....
      • I don't see eye-to-eye with everyone on this matter, but i think it's really important to discuss this.....
      • Whilst you may not agree with my views, i'm definitely interested in hearing yours.

  • What to say when you wanna end a conversation
      • Well, i'd best be off! it's been great chatting.
      • Anyway, i'd better get back to it.
      • i'm so glad I ran into you! It's been great catching up. I'll see you soon.😊

Something new😁: Some words exist only in plural form, for example : Glasses(spectacles), binoculars, scissors, shears, tongs, gallows, trousers, jeans, pants(but note that clothing words often become singular when we use them as modifiers, like "trouser pocket").
