Some English phrases.

How to express TIREDNESS
  1. I'm sleepy
  2. I'm tired
  3. I'm exhausted
  4. I'm wrecked
  5. I'm knackered
  6. I'm shattered
  7. i'm worn out
How to accept an Apology
  1. Never mind
  2. It doesn't matter
  3. Don't mention it
  4. That's ok
  5. I quite understand
  6. You couldn't help it
  7. Forget about it
  8. That's all right
  9. No worries
  10. It's fine
  11. Apology accepted
  12. Think Nothing of it
  13. That's quite all right
  14. It's not important.
Something new😀:  Army stands for Alert regular mobility young.


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