Heaven expressions

Heaven a place regarded in various religions as the adobe of god and of good after death.


  • A match made in heaven
(very very good pairing. it is usually use for couples)

                Raj and Preet a match made in heaven.

  • To move heaven and earth
(Means you have a goal and you will do anything to achieve this goal)

                I will move heaven and earth to learn English.

  • I thought i died and went to heaven 
(When you are so happy, something very very good happen)

                 Maybe you find the best tasty cake in the world and when you bite you can say: hmmmmmm.......I thought i died and went to heaven.

  • Heaven forbid 
(You hope something bad does not happen )

                 Heaven forbid !that the wedding is cancelled.

  • To be in heaven
(You are very very happy)

                 May be you go to mall and there are so many sales and you can say i am in heaven.

  • Stink/reek to high heaven
(Smell is so bad)

                 Maybe you are crossing a road and smell is so bad you can say this road is reek to high heaven.
 also use for person : She is stink to high heaven.

  • Heaven on earth
(something is very very good)

                 You go to a beautiful place. you can say: This place heaven on earth.

  • For heaven's sake
(It is use for to show we are surprised, shocked or angry)

                when my friend does something stupid. 
                      for heaven's sake why did you do that. 

  • Heavenly 
(it's very good)

                When you smell roes  oh it's heavenly.
                 When you eat pizza oh this pizza is heavenly. 

Quiz: Our dog was sprayed by a skunk. he stinks to ___________heaven.
                 Some people think Harmindir Sahib is heaven _______ earth.

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Something new😁: Girl used to mean small boy and girl. The word girl was not initially used to refer to a specific  gender. it used to mean "child or young person" regardless of the gender.


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