All Expression

  • All-nighter
Meaning: Staying awake for 24 hours.
Example: I pulled an all-nighter.

  • All-talk
MeaningTalk about doing something but never do it.
Example: You are all talk. you will never punch your boss.

  • All for it
Meaning: Strongly agree with action
Example: I'm all for ordering pizza.

  • All in all
Meaning: Everything considered/on the whole
Example: All in all, we had amazing time.

  • All the way
Meaning: Completely 
Example: i'll support you all the way.

  • For all i know
Meaning:really don't know / limited details.
Example:He wears a ring. he's married for all i know.(but you are not sure)

  • For all i care
Meaning:Not worried by something / don't care.
Example:you can stay out until 2 pm for all i care.

  •  All along
Meaning: Since the beginning.
Example: I knew it all along.

  • Once and for all
Meaning: for the last time.
Example: Arjun wanted to prove he was the fastest runner once and for all.

  • All over
Meaning:Done / no other outcome possible/in many places
Example: 1: it's all over. 2: Her clothes were all over the floor.

Something new😀: The word Queue is the only word in English that is still pronounced the same way when the last for letters are removed.


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