Go Expression

1. How are you?
you can also say:
  • How's it going?
  • How you going?(Australia)
2.if you want to ask about job, classes then you can say:
  • How are your classes going.
  • How are your job going.
3. I am fine.
if anyone ask you How's its going?/How you going? you can say:
  • It's going well.
  • It's going amazing. 
  • It's going terrify.
4.What's happening?(confusing😕)
  • What's going on here?
  • Something is going on?
5.Say yes to request.
If anyone ask you: Can i use your pen? You can say:
  • There you go/ Here you go.
6. Make a special efforts.
  • Go out of your way.
you can say. I always go out of my ways to help someone. 

Something new😁: There are two words in the English language that end with "gry". These are Hungry and Angry.


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