Advance English Experssion

Today we are going to talk about some advance English expressions. Expressions helps you to speak like a native English speaker. Don't only read these expressions but also write down and makes notes or practice daily.
On the Whole
  • When you generalize something and come on the conclusion.
Example: 1) Sometimes my brother and i have disagreements, but On the whole , we get on really well.
2) On the whole , it was a great speech.

On second thought
  • Use to change your mind (This expression only use in spoken English because it's totally helps you to change your mind in the middle of conversation )
Example: I'll meet you at the office after lunch. on second thought, let's just go there now.

Off the top of my head
  • Use when you take a guess
Example: Someone ask What percentage of the population lives in the city? 
you can say: Off the top of my head, i'd say about 70%.

(To be ) in /out of the loop
  • use when talking about being informed
  • (when you're in loop you know what's going on . and when you're out of the loop you don't know what's going on)
Example: 1) I wasn't in  the office last week, so i feel like I' out of the loop.
2) Can you please keep me in the loop? (means can you tell me what's going on)

(To be) Struck by
  • use when you are impressed 
Example: 1)  I was struck by how beautiful the forest looked at dawn.
2) I was struck by just how few trees and parks there were in the city.
  • it's another mean to be hit by something.
Example: The cyclist was struck by a passing car.

(To be ) sure of (one's self)
  • use when you are confident in ability.
Example: 1)He seems quite sure of himself.
2) They appears to be quite sure of themselves.

(To) hang in there
  • use to remain persistent in difficult circumstances
Example: "hang" in there, mate. you'll be right(it's mostly us in Australia )

(To) get your around (something)
  • use when you understand
Example: 1) it's taken me a while to get my head around it but now i've got it.
2) it's been difficult for all of us to get our head around.
3) Have you got your head around these different expressions yet?

Something new😁: Swims will be swims even when turned upside down. This kinda words are known as ambigrams.
