English Vocabulary words

Today, we are going to learn some new English words. These words absolutely amazing and enhance your vocabulary.

  1. Very accurate 
    1. Perfect
    2. exact
    3. flawless
    4. Precise
  2. Very amazed
    1. Astounded
    2. Flabbergasted
    3. Astonished
    4. Shocked
  3. Very angry
    1. Furious
    2. Fuming
    3. livid
    4. enraged
  4. Very aware
    1. conscious
    2. mindful
  5. Very bad
    1. awful
    2. deplorable
    3. miserable
    4. rotten
  6. Very basic
    1. Simple
    2. Primary
    3. Rudimentary
    4. fundamental
  7. Very beautiful
    1. Gorgeous
    2. Stunning
    3. Exquisite
    4. Magnificent
  8. Very boring
    1. Tedious
    2. Mind-numbing
    3. Dreary
    4. Uninteresting
  9. Very bright
    1. Blinding
    2. Dazzling
    3. Radiant
  10. Very capable
    1. Efficient
    2. Skillful
    3. Proficient
  11. Very careful
    1. Scrupulous
    2. Meticulous
    3. Fastidious
  12. Very caring
    1. Compassionate
    2. Kind
    3. Attentive
  13. Very clean
    1. Spotless
    2. Immaculate
    3. Hygienic
  14. Very clever
    1. Intelligent
    2. Sharp
    3. Astute
    4. Ingenious
  15. Very cold
    1. Bitter
    2. Icy
    3. Freezing
  16. Very colorful 
    1. Vibrant
    2. vivid
  17. Very competitive
    1. Ambitious
    2. Cut-throat
    3. Driven
  18. Very concerned
    1. Troubled
    2. Upset
    3. worried
    4. agitated
  19. Very confident
    1. Poised
    2. Self-assured
    3. Secure
  20. Very confused
    1. Baffled
    2. Mystified
    3. Dazed
  21. Very corrupt
    1. Unethical
    2. dishonest
  22. Very Creepy
    1. Skin-crawling
    2. weird
    3. Unnerving
  23. Very critical
    1. Essential
    2. crucial
    3. vital
  24. Very cute
    1. endearing
    2. adorable
    3. charming
  25. Very dangerous
    1. Perilous
    2. Treacherous
    3. Precarious
  26. Very delicate
    1. fragile
    2. Frail
    3. Flimsy
  27. Very different
    1. Unusual
    2. distinctive
    3. unique
  28. very difficult
    1. Complex
    2. Demanding
    3. arduous
  29. Very dirty
    1. Filthy
    2. grimy
    3. Dilapidated
    4. Squalid
  30. Very dismal
    1. Miserable
    2. Morbid
    3. Depressing


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