Advanced British verbs

Today we are going to learn some advanced verbs which helps you in your speaking as well as writing.

  • To alter
    • To make somebody /something different 
Example: You shouldn't feel the need to alter your appearance.

  • To amend
    • To change a law, document, statement etc slightly in order to correct a mistake
Example: Would you mind amending those document I've sent you.

  • To amplify
    • To add details to a story, statement etc.
Example: She refused to amplify further.

  • To balloon
    • To suddenly swell out or get bigger
Example: Employment rates ballooned to 90 percent.

  • To blab
    • To tell somebody information that should be kept secret.
Example: Someone must have blabbed to the police.

  • To brief
    • To give somebody information about something so that they are prepared to deal with it.
Example: The officer briefed her on what to expect.

  • To capture
    • To film/record/paint etc somebody /something.
Example: The robbery was captured on film security cameras.

  • To clasp
    • To hold something tightly in your hand.
Example: She clasped her hand together as she waited.

  • To clutch
    • To hold somebody/ something tightly
Example:  I clutched onto his shoulder for support.

  • To collide
    • To disagree strongly
Example: My partner and i often collide over political differences.

  • To command
    • To tell somebody to do something
Example: She commanded the release of the prisoners.

  • To cower
    • To bend low and /or move backwards because you are frightened.
Example: The dog whimpered and cowered at his feet.

  • To crave
    • To have a very strong desire for something
Example: I have always craved excitement.

  • To dash
    • To go somewhere very quickly
Example: I must dash - it was lovely to see you!

  • To detect
    • To discover or notice something especially something that is not easy to see, hear etc.
Example: The tests are designed to detect bacteria.

  • To deviate
    • To do something in a different way from what is usual or expected.
Example: Let's not deviate from the original idea.

  • To discern
    • To see or hear something usually with difficulty
Example: I quickly discerned that something was wrong.

  • To eavesdrop
    • To listen secretly to what other people are saying
Example: we caught her eavesdropping outside the window.

  • To Expose
    • To tell the true fact about a person or a situation and show them to be immoral, illegal etc.
Example: She was exposed as a liar and a fraud.

Note: lot of these words have multiple meaning but a am focusing on one meaning of verb and using in more advance context.
