Travel Phrasal Verbs

Phrasal verb                                           
Meaning Example
Drop off Take someone to a place We Drop Arjun Off at the airport
See off Good-bye at airport/station We see Arjun off
Take off Plane Leave 1)The plane takes off. 2)The plane takes off at 8.00pm
Get in Plane/train arrives at an airport/station respectively 1)Arjun gets in at 9pm. 2)Arjun's train get in at 9 pm.
Check in Register at hotel 1)Arjun checks in. 2)I check in
check out leave/pay hotel Arjun checks out
Set out Start a journey I set out early to explore Canada.
Pick up Get someone from a place take them somewhere else She picks Arjun up(in her car).

Something new😁:

A sentence which contains all 26 letters of english alphabet is called a pangram. The famous Pangram is: The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog


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