Shit expressions

Today we are going to talk about a some shit expressions. These expressions helps you to improve your English speaking skills. So, let's start:

First expression is :
  • Shitty
(Something is bad)
 Example: I had a shitty day.

  • Shitbox
(very cheap car)
Example:  Look at the car! what a shitbox.

  • Shithole
(when you are describing a bad place like not very spacious, there is no light, look like ugly)
Example:  Her apartment is a shithole. it's dirty and there are cockroches.

  • Shit-disturber
(Someone who likes to create darama and who likes to create problems for others)
Example: My sister told to my mom about my mistakes. she's a shit-disturber.

  • Don't give a shit
(don't care)
Example: I don't give a shit.

  • Scared the shit of me 
(means you are very very scared)
Example: May be you are watching a horror movie. you can say! it scared the shit outta me! 

  • Full of shit
(When someone lying)
Example: He's full of shit.

  • Shitting me?
(when someone is telling lie)
Example: Are you shitting me?

  • Talk shit
(Someone talk badly)
Example: Stop talking shit.

  • Bullshit
(When someone tells you something but you do not believe )
Example: That;s total bullshit.

  • Be in deep shit
(someone in trouble )
Example: I lost $10,000 at the casino. now i'm in deep shit.

  • Shitload (of)
Example: I have a shitload of DVDs

  • Shit and giggles
(We do something without any reason just for fun)
Example: I did it for shit's and giggles.

  • Feel like shit
(when someone feel bad)
Example: I'm sick. I feel like shit.

  • Shit on someone
(Treat very badly)
Example: My boss always shitting on me.

  • Up shit creek
( when someone have big problem)
Example: if i fail, i will be up shit creek.

Something newπŸ˜€: The shortest , oldest, and most commonly used word in English is "i"


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